A business license is required to engage in business in the City of Auburn whether you are located within Auburn, or simply conducting business in Auburn. To determine if your business is located within the Auburn City limits, view our interactive map and search by your address.
If your place of business is not located within the city limits, but you or your agents will be physically coming into the city to conduct business, call on clients, or provide services, you will also need an Auburn business license. If you are not sure whether your business requires a license, a list of exempt businesses is provided in the FAQs on tab three.
The FAQ includes the requirements for those obtaining a permit in Auburn, or those that are required to pay an Auburn B&O Tax under Auburn City Code ACC 3.54, or business required to pay an Auburn tax under ACC 3.84.040 or 3.88.040.
If you are engaging in business inside the City of Auburn and currently do not have an Auburn Business License you will need to apply for a general business license/Auburn endorsement through the State BLS portal unless the business type or activity is listed below.
- Auburn in-city business license endorsements through the State are $107.00 per year.
- Auburn Non-resident business license endorsements through the state are $107.00.
To apply for an Auburn business license endorsement and UBI or state license through the State, Business License Services, apply online through the Department of Revenue. If you already have a UBI or state business license obtain your endorsement/license or see the fee schedule on the WA Department of Revenue City Endorsements page.
The following regulatory business licenses will renew or apply directly through the City. Approved licenses are valid January 1 to December 31.
- 5.20.130 Cabarets – License $107.00 annually
- 5.20.140 Carnivals, circuses, and shows - License $107.00 annually
- 5.20.150 Dance licenses - License $364.50 annually
- 5.20.170 Massage businesses and health salons - License $107.00 annually
- 5.20.200 Outdoor musical entertainment – License $107.00 annually
- 5.20.220 Solicitors – License Fee $107.00 annually
- 5.20.230 Taxicab and For Hire – For hire Addendum required
- 5.20.250 Marijuana related activities – License $520.00 annually
- 5.20.260 Mobile Venders and Food Trucks – License $107.00 annually
- 5.22 Residential Rental Licensing - Auburn fee schedule
Commercial and short-term rental licensing must renew or apply through state BLS portal as it is considered a general business license.
- The State BLS will send Auburn renewal notices to all businesses that are not listed above.
- The City of Auburn will email and mail renewal notices for in-city licenses beginning in November/December of each year.
Apply for Regulatory or Residential Rental License
Apply for a City of Auburn regulatory license or residential rental license directly through the city instead of the state BLS portal. Review our applications on the City of Auburn Forms page or contact the city at businesslicenses@auburnwa.gov. Please note, commercial or short-term rental business activity applications will go through the state BLS web portal.
Renew your residential rental or regulatory license.
If you have questions on business licensing, please contact the City of Auburn business licensing at 253-931-3090 or email us at businesslicenses@auburnwa.gov.