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Traffic Counts

The City keeps records of traffic counts that are done throughout the City on an periodic basis such as Turning Movement Counts, Average Daily Traffic Counts and Classification Counts. These records are kept by year and type of count and listed by the location the count was taken. To view the counts please follow the below links.

Turning Movement Count (TMC)

TMC's are turning movements at intersections taken during the morning and evening peak rush-hour. These times represent the single heaviest hours of morning and evening traffic. Follow the links below to view the most current Turning Movement Counts.

Average Daily Traffic (ADT)

This is a unit of measure for traffic on a roadway taken at mid-block. This represents the average total traffic volume in any single day, based on a 7-day week. It also contains AM and PM peak rush-hour volume. These counts are taken yearly and are used for a variety of engineering and planning purposes. Follow the links below to view the most current ADT counts.

For more information:

Contact Amber Olds, Right-of-Way Specialist, by Email or call 253-804-3120.