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Public Land Use Notices

This page contains a list of public notices for recently proposed projects or "land use actions" located within the City of Auburn.

The City provides notice of land use actions and public hearings in to inform interested parties, and to gather input prior to the City making a decision on a proposal. The City uses this page in addition to other methods of notification provided by City regulations.

If you happen to see a yellow land use action sign posted within the City or you received a notice in the mail, additional information on the proposal can be found on this page through at least the following two ways:


The Land Use Actions Map is for persons curious about recently proposed land use actions or public notices. This map features only those proposals that are subject to City noticing requirements, which are generally larger projects that are subject to environmental review. This map resource is not a comprehensive listing of all proposals for which the city must make a decision and it is not for capital projects. Information on capital projects (typically road and utility improvement projects) may be found at the Capital Project Webpage. Please be aware that for land use actions displayed, comment deadlines or public hearings referenced on the notice may have already passed but the proposal continues to be displayed for informational purposes.


The following Public Land Use Action Notices are for projects currently being reviewed by the City. Details regarding public commenting procedures and deadlines, public meetings, and other project information may be found by clicking on the applicable Public Land Use Action Notice link. After conclusion of any public comment periods, meetings, and hearings, the below notices are removed from this website.

Below are some common acronyms used on these notices:

DNS – Determination of Nonsignificance – this documents the Director’s official decision that a proposal is unlikely to have significant adverse environmental impacts.
MDNS – Mitigated DNS – this is similar to a DNS, except that, mitigation measures (i.e. conditions) to ensure that the project will unlikely have any significant adverse environmental impacts are required.
NOA – Notice of Application – consistent with Ch. 14.07 ACC, an NOA includes sending notification of a project to the public by the following methods: 1) mailing to the public (property owners within 300 ft. of the subject property) and to departments or agencies with jurisdiction (e.g. Dept. of Ecology), 2) posting a notice board (see above) at the site, and 3) publishing the notice in the Seattle Times.
NOH/NOPH – Notice of Public Hearing – similar to an NOA, this is a notification sent out to the public and posted on the site indicating a date, time, and place that a public hearing before the Planning Commission or Hearing Examiner will be held. Note that these may be done virtually or in-person.