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The City of Auburn adjudicates civil and criminal matters occurring within the City of Auburn through an interlocal agreement with King County District Court - South Division.

  • For information about court dates, anti-harassment orders, scheduled hearings, cases, jury duty, probation, fees and fines, please call 1-800-325-6165, or 206-205-9200.
  • All court facilities are accessible to individuals using wheelchairs.
  • Public Defender Screening applications can be viewed and filled out online. You will need to fill out an application to be reviewed by the screener.
  • Work Crew Screening: Work Crew Screening applications can be viewed and filled out here: Work Crew Screening Application. Your case number will be required.

If you need further information, please call 253 931-3040 or email

If your sentence includes a fine, you will usually have the opportunity to perform Community Service instead of paying your fine with money. These rules apply when you choose Community Service:

  • You must choose a NON-PROFIT organization for your community service hours; it is not up to the court or probation to provide you with a list of places. Examples include: Churches, YMCA, schools, Food Banks, Children's Home Society, The Goodwill, etc. To find phone numbers for the above references, you can look in the yellow pages under "Social Service Organizations". The agency DOES NOT have to be in Auburn.
  • When you complete your hours, the agency of your choice must write to the court a short statement on THEIR LETTERHEAD STATIONERY stating how many hours have been completed. An employee of the organization must sign it and add a phone number for reference. Also, be sure your CASE NUMBER is included so your case gets proper credit. You must turn your hours in each month to the front counter at the Auburn Courthouse. If your hours are not turned in, your case may end up in collections.
  • You will earn $15 credit for each hour of community service performed.
  • If you have further questions, please call the Court Staff at 1-800-325-6165, or 206-205-9200.